High Protein Pancakes

Using simple substitutions, you can make a very easy and simple pancake batter that is so much more anabolic than regular pancakes for no taste difference. Using this recipe, you can eat more pancakes for the same amount of calories and get a lot of protien in the process which keeps you full for longer.

Batter Directions:

1. Combine 250g egg whites, 35g Greek yogurt, 4 slices of bread, your zero calorie sweetener of choice (I use 25g of  sugar free maple syrup for extra mapleness), 4g of guar gum, and a 1/2 tsp of baking soda into a blender and blend until smooth. The guar gum makes the batter thick like regular batter, so if you don't use it, then they will be thinner but I highly recommend buying some here, it is a stable for creating anabolic versions of foods.

2. On medium high (closer to med) heat pour or spoon your batter onto a nonstick pan that received a quick spray of oil or nonstick spray.

3. Cook how you would regular pancakes, when you see bubbles and the bottom cooked, flip. If you want to add any fruit like blueberries or bananas (the two best for pancakes) add before flipping.

4. When cooked, pile high on a plate, cover in sugar free maple syrup and enjoy!


The bread will make the dough darker than flour would, so if they are a bit darker than normal pancakes, that won't effect the taste on its own.
